Monthly Archives: February 2018

+10K Tweets #AmWriting

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I’m not sure that I should admit it to anyone, besides myself…  but for prosperity sake, I’ve hit a milestone on social media, that is I tweeted my ten thousandth Tweet on Twitter and I feel great!

Maybe I’m a little perverse in my achievement, I’m not even sure it’s a thing.  I mean, how many other people can say they’ve tweeted that many times?  But then again, is there a gold standard for tweets?  Perhaps, just maybe there’s an Olympic Twitter category and a specific number of tweets that we all should be aiming for; if so how close am I and whose company am I in?

I’d like to think that there’s millions of real people tweeting and not just the bots.  I like technology and I fancy artificial intelligence, but I like human beings, go ahead and call me silly.  Which brings me to another topic, why am I on Twitter so much?

Should I be concerned?  And by disclosing the number of times that I’ve tweeted, should you be concerned about my real people skills?  I know I’m asking a lot of questions, but I’m in unchartered water and my navigation is a tad off.

But in my own defense, I have monetized my Twitter account, that is I’ve drummed up business that I otherwise would never have gotten.  I also don’t make cold calls, because Twitter helps me funnel likeminded people into a virtual space, where conversations begin that then generate leads that then lead to sales.

Still, I spend a great deal of time on Twitter, 7 days a week and early in the morning, so I make impressions in the UK.  I also have late nights, when I’m trying to make an impression in California and yes, even when I’m at an After-Work networking event in a real physical space, amongst real people, I’ve been Tweeting.

It’s my thing.  We all have a thing… right?  I’ve had famous people reply to my tweets and like my tweets and follow me.  And during the 2014 Oscars broadcast, Ellen DeGeneres responded to a Tweet, which isn’t bad for a gal from Boston.

I’d like to believe that a Tweet got us to connect on LinkedIn, or we started a convo that made me want to write… because really, for me it’s all about writing and words.

But three things are certain, (1) I’m not a contortionist (2) I’ve tweeted more than 10,000 times and (3) I’m not a Bot (I passed the Captiva test).

And another thing, all this patting my own back has got me Twisted!   Care to join me?

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Filed under Baby boomers, social media, Twitter

Rambling Along Like Fridays

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There are so many different perspectives in the world, how can they all be right and mine be wrong?

Not so long ago, my life changed, it was a catastrophic event that stopped me from pursuing my dreams.  And when it was over, everyone’s opinion of me was minimized:

“Well, at least you’re alive.”

My life has always been more than just breathing.  My best use practices with air included running and sailing, as well as the hard work, dedication and socializing, in equal parts.  I was a Jackie of All Trades, from slinging a hammer to climbing a telephone pole and I liked it.  And of course there was wiggle room, my mistakes were lessons and I self-corrected and moved on.

I had started my TechnyGal brand, and unlike thousands of other people on the internet, I had discovered a way to monetize social media with zero investment!  So, my ROI (Return On Investment) was always growing.  I was invited to conventions, symposiums and was asked to be interviewed.  I was on conference calls, doing business with companies in the UK and here in the states.  And I was writing, it was the other love in my life, which I had put off to raise a family.

So, when the doctors told me that I would live, I was confused.   It wasn’t my standard of living, what I had become accustomed to, but some version of “Good enough”, their definition of what my life would now be.

Today, I’m reminded of my former self, before I got sick.  When I could walk, talk and run free… just rambling along like Fridays.

I came up with the idea, while watching a television show on NBC called This Is Us .  The show depicts the fictional Pearson family by moments of insights, refreshing unconditional love and filtered perspectives, some done via flashbacks and hindsight as to how they grow into themselves.

It’s a vignette slice of our society, served in proper proportion by the clever use of interracial triplets, that’s both entertaining and relatable.  From male to female to Caucasian to African-American, we are all Americans.  We share the same concerns, have the same overweight issues, and abuses we read about.

Maya Angelou wrote that we are more alike than we are different, think about that and then understand… there are millions of people with different opinions and none are more important to you, than your own.

I was told that I should be happy that I’m alive.  I struggle with that…  Of course there are moments when I’m happy, but also moments when I’m sad.  It’s difficult to not experience self-pity, after all I’m deaf in one ear, can’t walk without assistance and can’t pick up the work pace that I started.  But I’m told that there’s a good chance that my disease will go into remission, and like all people we do better when we can be hopeful.

I’ve started Rambling as a way stay motivated, to just keeping going… On & On.  What’s your motivation?




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Filed under AARP, Baby boomers, Healthcare, Life, Uncategorized